What is Shadow?

bodygraph decision making fear frequency human design types not-self purpose Feb 19, 2020

6 Min Read + 15 Min Video

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This is a yummy topic for me!


I have been drinking this system from a fire hose for just over 7 years and the profound wisdom that is embedded in here is just so....mmmmmmmmm.....


Grab your chart as we walk through this! As most of us are visual learners it is good to have your chart in plain sight.


Shadow is a word that is buzzing around and I want to show the mechanical piece of this so you can begin to love this aspect of the experience in harmony with the God Code that is represented in the bodygraph. 


Let's begin here with the definition


We must always begin with the definition. The definition is where the decision making for the God Code is embedded. Remember, decision making is the body interacting based on the strategy of the type and the inner authority for your particular design guiding the yes and no.


The definition represents the frequency that you can rely on. It is the fixed energy field that is always embedded in the electromagnetic field of the body. 


It is the strengths, qualities and skills that you can always rely on to be there when needed. 


You can visualize this as the student (more on this as we move through the information).


Now let's take a look at the other aspect; the shadow....the yumminess....


I am gonna twist your brain a little here. Stick with me as we explore this aspect of your experience. If the mind puts up roadblocks, witness that.


Shadow is the curriculum. The definition is the student and the shadow is the curriculum. 


All that white that is in the chart, this is where you are designed to attract in the experiences, people, situations and resources for your particular Human Experience. In the Human Design language, this is what we call the Not-Self.


Why not-self? This is not a fixed energy in the energy field. This space is the place that is designed to be fluid, it is designed to move fluidly through the experiences, move through the energy of others and in that fluid movement gain the wisdom of the curriculum. 


Breath that in. We are designed to attract others, experiences and resources through the white or undefined areas.


You have probably heard the word conditioning in the Human Design vernacular.


When this fluidity of movement is happening, two things can happen.


Conditioning or Influence. As of current, we are living in a dualistic reality so there is always a this and a that. Keep this in the forefront as we walk through here.


Now, I need to jump into the mind and how the interactions are processed.


Mechanically, we have a not-self conditioned mind and we have healthy psychology.


The mind is designed to be our data processor or the decoder for the experiences. Our physical body interacts with the energy of the situation or person and then the mind decodes that interaction.


Here is what conditioning looks like:

The not-self mind judges the situation and it then creates a conditioned reaction based on the interaction. This conditioned reaction is then stored within the cellular structure of the body and this stored reaction then becomes the default not-self decision for the next experience that looks similar. This is how the not-self mind gets created and this is how the dis-ease is created within the body. And the not-self decisions clutter the mind, keep the body in tension, fear, and anxiety. 


Now, let's move this into the new way of being with Human Design.


These white areas are still attracting the experiences, people and situations to you, however, the body is the one that has made the decision through strategy and authority. 


The experience may have a challenge embedded or it may be rainbows and unicorn farts. The strategy and authority move you from one interaction to another, streaming new data for the evolution and just because the inner authority is guiding does not mean there are not challenges. It just means that your body and the healthy psychology are designed to meet these interactions.


What is the healthy psychology? It is the clear mind that has been decluttered and deactivated from decision-maker. This clear, clean mind becomes an Outer Authority for others because it is no longer in charge of the decisions. 


Healthy psychology is decoding the experience by taking the data stream and witnessing the wisdom embedded in the interaction.


This is an aware experience: Experience, witness, decode and repeat.


Instead of the not-self experience: That creates a reaction, amplifies the misunderstanding, has more mental decisions based on this experience and the anxiety and fear repeats. 


This is skimming the surface of this. Trauma and inhumane experiences also enter into our lives through the shadow at no fault of the person involved. The purpose of this is to explain that all experiences bring wisdom.


As a Small Example

Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her home as a young girl. She was sexually, mentally and physically abused. She was kept in the trauma through mind control. Once she was finally ready to follow her body to safety, she was free. 


She has been an advocate for others who have gone through the same/similar experience and she has brought her wisdom to millions of people. 


Then, recently, she was again sexually abused on an airplane flight. What she learned after this second incident is that she 'Freezes' when confronted with situations of this nature. 


Now, through this wisdom, she is advocating for this awareness and encouraging women and men to train themselves on the practice of self-defense.


The keyword here is train. We train our minds, through either conditioning or influence. Choose Influence and influence your body and the mind through the strengthening of taking experiences and moving the trauma into an awareness that empowers others.  


When we look at this a little further, this is the space, the shadow,  where the resources were also created for her to now speak to thousands of people and she has written books as well.


So the experience of life flows through the shadow or the white areas of the chart and so does the resources we are designed to bring to us. Resources are money than just money; Resources are experiences, experiments, relationships, wisdom, knowledge, information.....etc....etc....etc.


Did I lose you?


Don't allow for the trauma, the life experience, take over the mind and created a conditioned thought pattern that is stymied in victimhood. 


Take those moments and move through the trauma to a place of empowered sharing so others can benefit and you get to live the empowerment! 


Shadow is the experiences. Don't try to get rid of the shadow. Embrace the wisdom of the shadow and stand in your power as the awareness penetrates your energy field! 


And a reminder, trust the strategy and authority. This is the fundamental step to repairing the mind and the body. 



P.S. Here is the link to the Prosperity by Design 12-week Coaching Program that will begin in April. 

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