Are all those Social Media Challenges Benefiting you or are they Detrimental?

advisor builder decision making evaluator human deisgn ego center human design human design blog human design centers human design types innovator manifestor new year social media challenges not-self open ego center projector purpose reflector undefined ego Jan 06, 2021

Scrolling through Social Media in December can create so much anxiety for sooooo many people...

There is pressure to get the best gifts at the right price. There is ad upon ad trying to sell you the next gadget or clothing or whatever the algorithm is targeting you for....

And....on top of that there are the New Year Challenges that convince you to join the next manifestation challenge or weight loss challenge or get your next 100,000 thousand follower challenge....the list could literally go on for hours!

The average person is now exposed to 5000 (yes, five thousand) ads per day....sounds very overwhelming...and even more so if the strategy and inner authority are not making each of those buying decisions....

Just for fun, I pulled up Facebook and searched the term Manifestation Challenge and there was 17 different challenges on the first page! 

I want to bring this to your attention because the word challenge is corelated with the Ego/Hearth Center. The Function of the Ego/Heart Center is to exert Will Power....

However, approximately 70% of the Population have an Undefined Ego Center....which becomes a target for sales people! The open centers in our designs are the areas in our lives that we are sold....meaning these are the 'problem' areas the not self mind is trying to 'fix' by buying more and more things, programs etc. trying to fill the void....

Let's get back to the original question, are all those Social Media Challenges Benefiting your or are they Detrimental?

When we take a look at the not self talk of the Undefined ego we can hear things like this...

"I promise this time I will get through this challenge."

"I need more self worth so maybe this challenge will give me more confidence."

"I have to be better and the only way to do this through challenges."

The thing to understand is this...if you have an undefined ego, self-improvement will always be the one area that you are 'mind fucked' into buying over and over again.

...and all those challenges are filled with undefined egos and everyone in those challenges come into the challenge filled with will power....they are pushing through the challenge and using the collective will power to get to the end....then the challenge is over, life goes back to where it was and poof....the not self mind is looking for another challenge....and the cycle continues.

If you have an undefined ego, the key to the challenge that will be correct for you is to trust the inner authority and only engage with the challenge from the strategy that is correct for your type....

And again, you are designed to learn about self-improvement because learning it provides you with wisdom on what works and what does not work....but your learning of self-improvement is to come from the engagement of your strategy and then the trust in the inner authority

Challenges are a HUGE money maker! Because there is 70% of the population that will buy in or sign up....

Is this a good thing? or a bad thing? Neither!!! 

Challenges were created so you, the person with the undefined ego, can learn to decipher what is the best course of self-improvement for you and your unique situation. Wisdom, acceptance and learning to decipher are the three areas of Human Design that are a fundamental knowledge in the system. 

The challenge will be of benefit when your inner authority is guiding you towards the challenge. 

The challenge may be detrimental is you are pushing yourself through the challenge as the heart muscle, the stomach, the blood and the immune system are straining to keep you in the game...

Is there a potential to learn something whether you join the challenge from the not self mental decision or if the inner authority of your chart makes the decision....yes there is a potential....however, the body has much more stress on it if the decision is not made correctly.

So the moral of the story is this....

Engage with ALL challenges with strategy and authority....not the mental decision making

Please leave a comment or shoot me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments....

Also, share this with anyone you know that is a serial challenge taker who ends up more frustrated, bitter angry or disappointed after a challenge is finished! 


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