40+ Coaching Niches to Use Human Design as your Core Tool

how can i make money human design niche human design reports niche down prosperity by design what is my niche Oct 07, 2023


 It is time to make this topic super simple for you so  you can move ahead in your coaching business. 


Like my last video indicated, the terms coaching and human design are searched over 500,000 times per month. 

Your niche and your fractal line are yearning for a result in their lives....and they are waiting for your process to find them. 


What is the difference between your niche  and your fractal line?

We are all moving on a trajectory. And along that trajectory, there will be particular people that are walking along this road with us. 

Grab your chart and look at the line values of your nodes. I will paraphrase the roles the people long your fractal line be embodying. 

What is your fractal?

1st line: These people will be investigators seeking a solid foundation.

2nd line: These people will be shy people because they have natural talents

3rd line: These people are making mistakes and tearing down the status quo.

4th lines: These people are influencing their network and burning out the non-opportunities.

5th lines: These people are seducing others into a new message that will eventually be a universalized way of being.

6th lines: These people are in one of the 3 phrases in their life (0-30/30-50 of 50+) and the mistakes, processing time and inspiring behavior lead us through a transformation. 


This is the Cole's note version of the fractal line (want to learn more, claim your prosperity report below). 


What is your niche?

Your niche is birthed from your experiences. 

Your life experiences and all the wisdom you've gathered will provide you with the niche you will serve. 

For example: 

I am not a parent. For me to coach parents on how to parent is not a niche that I have experience in and as such, would be totally out of my zone of genius. 

However, my experience with business (building two 7 figure businesses with a third on the way) is my niche and using the energetics of HD with a no BS mental process, I can help others lean into their own entrepreneurial path. 

How do you market to your fractal line in your particular niche?

Marketing is simply speaking to the people you serve in a relatable manner and walking them along a path where they can feel themselves going from point A (pain/frustration/stuckness) to point B (liberation/results). 

While you speak to them, keep them in a space of agreeing so when you get to the end of the pitch, they join/buy/commit your service offer because they can see that you are relatable and have the solution they need. 


Where do most coaches get caught up?

Selling features and not selling benefits! 

Do you notice that you are giving more and more features in your service offer and sharing these features in hopes that you will 'get' the sale?

Ya, I do this too sometimes. Sharing features is great AFTER the benefits have been clearly outlined. 

In a coaching container, the most important benefit to your client is getting out of the pain in the most efficient manner. 

The gurus tell you to make a bold promise and a guarantee...with 70% of the population having undefined or open ego center's....I would suggest you be very solid in who you are so the promise is not coming across in your marketing as a convincing factor. 


No more excuses that you can't find your niche! 


On this list there are over 40 different niches that are calling you to be a coaching and build your coaching empire! 

For each area, you can use Human Design as the Core Tool. 

Don't think you have enough Human Design education for that? 

I have you covered!

Click here to join the Human Design Self Study with a 90 Day free trial to the mentorship 


Here is a list to help your creative juices flow. 

 Recovery coach

 Style coach

 Image consultant coach

 Travel coach

 Confidence coach

 Voice coach

 Acting coach

 Music coach

 Sports coach

 Agile Innovation coach

 Performance coach

 Team-building coach

 Negotiation coach

 Motivational coach

 Legal coach

 Real estate coach

 Retirement coach

 Investment coach

 Financial coach

 Spiritual coach

 Meditation coach

 Mindfulness coach

 Stress management coach

 Productivity coach

 Transformational coach

 Writing coach

 Grief coach

 Public speaking coach

 Communication coach

 Branding coach

 Marketing coach

 Sales coach

 Leadership coach

 Personal development coach

 Divorce coach

 Marriage coach

 Parenting coach

 Fertility coach

 Relationship coach

 Weight loss coach

 Nutrition coach

 Fitness coach

 Wellness coach

 Mindset coach

 Health coach

 Career coach

 Executive coach

 Business coach

 Life coach


Any one of these niches will provide you with an income that surpasses 90% of the population. 


Understanding your fractal line and how it influences your niche is just the tip of the iceberg. If you're ready to truly harness the power of your unique energetics and leverage it in your business, then it's time to consider a more personalized approach. 

Option 1: Human Design Business Integrated Solutions

Create a world-class coaching container that your fractal line is yearning for. Apply here 

Option 2: Human Design Mentorship and Community

Learn the Human Design tool without having to sift and sort through the reams of material online (some that has been altered to get clicks) so you can embody the source material and add it to your tool box for your clients. Join here.

Option 3: Claim your Prosperity Report

Your uniqueness is magic. Gain a full understanding of your Human Design and the best way for you to create a prosper as you embody your differentiated self. Claim your Report here



Leann Wolff


List Credit to Luisa Zhou





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Grab the offer today and jump in to the most comprehensive training on the market.  

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