One on One Coaching

Tired of the same old, same old coaching that leaves you frustrated and feeling like there is still something missing?

Your mind is racing trying to figure it all out?

Have you finally made the decision to step into your power and own your truth?


Enter Human Design Professional, Leann Wolff....


Your purpose is built right into your DNA....

And Your Unique Human Design Bodygraph provides the most accurate details to get you on track. 

Live, Work and Experience life with your Purpose as the core feature. 

Experience the Potentials and Savoir the Process.

Never again second guess another decision.

Never again be a victim of circumstance.

Want to be an authority in your field but you are stuck in the fear of getting started?

Want to have wealth but you are not willing to 'hussle' your a$$ off because you are already exhausted?

Want to have meaningful partnerships that are mutually respectful?

Let me show you how to step into your purpose so you can experience your professional life and your financial life up-level and attract the life you deserve.

 Coaching is NEVER an expense, It is the best investment any person can ever make. 

One Time Session


Foundational Information Session

  • Align to Your Purpose

Advanced Information Sessions

  • Wealth Alignment
  • Health Alignment
  • Partnership Dynamics
Book this Session Now

Multiple Session Package

This is the Real Magic-

As I said , your unique Human Design holds the key to your purpose. 

In this multi-session package, which consists of 10 one hour sessions, we dive deep into the Human Design Bodygraph.

In these Sessions we will discuss:

The Aspects of the One Time Session (in much deeper detail)

Reframing your Experiences

Your Unique Profit Potential

Your Innate Skills

Your body and mind wellness

How to create the Wealth You Deserve


Book A Package Deal