Liberate Your  Business Vision

Re-discover your passion, create with purpose and align to your abundance potential. 

Your Truth is Your Transformation.

 This offer is NOT for those who are not willing to go all in! 

Click the link to open a direct conversation for investment and time frames.

Have a conversation about this High Touch Point Coaching Container.

Liberate Your  Business Vision

Re-discover your passion, create with purpose and align to your abundance potential.

 Your Truth is Your Transformation 

This offer is Not for those who are not willing to go all in!

Click the link to open a direct conversation for investment and time frames.

1:1 Coaching = Commitment, Action and Alignment

Nurture the Purpose in Your Genetic Code

My name is Leann. I help Leaders and Service Entrepreneur build a Monopole Premium Offer so their personal energy and business energy are in alignment with the magic that is within so they can earn, play and experience life without burnout and distractions. 

Here's what you can anticipate in our time together:

You have been sold a Utopia from other coaches and yet you feel more inadequate than ever...


You're still creating content like crazy to keep up the the ever changing online landscape

AI is taking you less time but the real message you want to deliver is getting lost in the sea of competitors

You're juggling all the hats and half-heartedly committed to your business

You're feeling like the rug gets pulled out from under you and your always trying to build up a new foundation


It is not uncommon to feel lost in the online space....


But you do not have to experience this any longer. 

Business creation is sacred work. 

Clarity is the foundation for the abundance of spirit.

By blending both the action oriented masculine energy with the spiritual receptive feminine energy, your way emerges...

Your unique Genetic Code holds all the secrets to  purposeful actions that receive the abundance of the Universe. 

With proven process that work for every coach in every niche, at all levels of business acumen, you can leave the old story in the past and liberate your business vision. 

Are you a Leader or Service Entrepreneur and you want more alignment in your business?

Have you noticed that you are compromising more than you want to in your business? 

You left your corporate career to work for yourself but you find that you are swimming up hill and time is slipping through your fingers. 

There is a constant nattering in the mind that you 'should' be ahead by now...

Wealth, Health and Relations are an Inside Creation...

Stop Denying your Magic and Start Experiencing the Real Joy of Being Human and Operating an Aligned Business! 


1:1 Coaching = Commitment, Action and Alignment

Grab Your Business Chart Here


3 Steps to Align to Your Wealth Code

Simply integrate these steps for greater abundance and clarity.