The Human Design System 9 Centers

decision making human design centers human design types Jan 01, 2019
types, centers, human design, root center

3 Min Read

Here is a brief look at the Human Design Centers:

The Human Design Centers are like energy hubs. As you can see there are 9 centers here...and do not confuse them with the 7 centers! 


The Root

This is a Pressure Center. Contained in this powerhouse center is the drive and stamina required to push all the energy in the bodygraph to manifestation (Throat). With this fuel and pressure, we could never manifest our desires, correct patterns, be in a cycle, concentrate, innovate, or be successful on the material plane. 

Undefined: it will feel like pressure and it is up to you to allow for that pressure to move you or not...depending on your strategy and authority. 

Defined: This is a fuel for you to use. Depending on the definition, it will be used differently.  



This is life force energy. This the motor that keeps humanity procreating, creating, and preserving its continuity into the future. This is about available work energy. 

Undefined: Getting caught up in the spin of this center will create exhaustion! Relax into guiding, assessing and initiating rather than working.

Defined: You MUST be asked for your energy so you can work in satisfaction.


Solar Plexus

This the Emotional Intelligence. This center is designed to come to clarity, over time. Moving from an inexperienced position to one of progress.

Undefined: Let the emotional field just flow through you. Don't get caught up in all that emotional activity. Observe that energy and become wise!

Defined: Trust that you will come to clarity if you are patient!



This is the Instinctive Knowing. The intuitive instinct that will indicate what is healthy for the body or not.

Undefined: You can become wise to the health of the body, intuition, fear, and safety.

Defined: This center is keeping you safe moment by moment...and it is quiet so the mind and the emotional intelligence must not be so 'loud' that you miss the information that is happening at the moment.



This is the willpower. It is concerned about the material plane. We are living in a material body, in a material world, in a material matrix. 

Undefined: Stop trying to prove yourself! relax and become wise as to who can use their willpower consistently.

Defined: Willpower is consistent within you. Allow strategy and authority to guide how you will engage this energy.


G Center

This is identity and Direction. This is the place for the magnetic monopole. We are held together in this illusion and the direction we are meant to take will be guided by the strategy and authority. 

Undefined: The right place has the right people. The wrong place has the wrong people. If your body has a visceral feeling throughout it and you are not meant to be in that building...don't go it. You are so wise as to who is integral and who is not.

Defined: The sense of self and self-love is within you...Relax and trust it!



This is the landing place for all the energy channels. The manifestation of it all is here. Communication, action, and manifestation.

Undefined: Don't take premature action trying to get attention. Relax and you will be asked for your energy, invited into the situation or asked to assess the situation.

Defined: You have a reliable and consistent communication style, taking action only when your strategy and authority have engaged will bring you to the manifestation you are designed to express.



This is where we conceptualize. the mind, when healthy and not getting in the decision-making process, is a beautiful data processor. 

Undefined: This will create mental defensiveness and can also create headaches in your body. You are here to be wise and the beautiful minds you are encountering.

Defined: Having a fixed way of processing the information field and sharing and empowering from a place of consistency. 



This is Inspiration. The personality crystal hovers over this center. Inspiring us to witness human life.

Undefined: Can lose focus and get distracted.

Defined: Consistent mind and fixed thought processes. 


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P.S. You can watch videos on this topic and more on my YouTube channel

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