Purpose Driven Wealth Formula


Build an Aligned Service Business

(Coaching, Healing, Spiritual, or Consulting)

in 16 Weeks.





It is Time to Leverage your Human Design, Realize your Vision and Be an Empowered Entrepreneur. 

Join the Purpose Driven Wealth Formula, designed to transform and align to your Human Design, help you deeply and masterfully serve your clients and start or scale your business, so you can thrive in alignment to your Human Design strengths, wisdom and purpose. 

Apply Now

"You can't help another person when you are yourself, in an unstable position. You can't generate power. You can't reach your hand down to help another from their despair, if the ground you are standing on is quicksand, you are just fighting for your own life. If you want to do good work, you have to have a stable platform from which to operate if you are going to be successful and lead others." - Leigh Dundas

Learn everything you need to be your own boss, build a business, and reach your income goals.

Awareness =

No More Rules!

🚫Stop Fitting into boxes!

🚫 Stop questioning whether or not you 'should' be in business or not

✔ Know yourself so well, nothing can put you back in the box

✔ Recognize the conditioned mind and negative biases that are holding you back

✔ Create a customized process for your business that honors you and your LOVE (Level of Vibrational Energy).

✔ Get Grounded in your Roadmap (Human Design Bodygraph)

✔ Leaning into your values, your mission and your vision leads to a business that is rule free, universally directed and authentically expressive. 


Internal Shift =

No More Excuses!

🚫Stop hitting the same proverbial walls

🚫Stop judging where you are

🚫Stop feeling pressured to 'do business' how others are doing it

🚫 Stop feeling undervalued and underappreciated and wondering why 'no one gets' what you do.

🚫 Stop spending your precious resources (time, money and mental health) on tactics that just don't work or strategies that are too complicated

✔ Acceptance of who you are, what you have experienced and the vastness of what you are here to offer others

✔ Work with your body sensations for a deeper wisdom  

✔ Work with your thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns 

✔ Move the unconscious to your awareness

✔ Holistic Business Creation so that your work and play are on purpose

✔ Change your Relationship with your Blocks

Aligned Action =

No More Selling! 

🚫Stop trying to be an Online Marketer

🚫Stop hustling to get heard and seen

🚫 Feeling uninspired and burned out

🚫Stop forcing with more will power and motivation

🚫 Stop feeling paralyzed by uncertainty

🚫 Stop feeling frustrated and bitter in your business

🚫Stop Doubting your abilities to serve others

🚫 Stop procrastinating on getting yourself out there

🚫 Stop hiding your valuable gifts and talents. 

✔  Be inspired to write content for your clients which drives inspired action to join your program

✔ Create magical offers so your clients are throwing money at you because they resonate to your messaging

✔ Leading yourself in  alignment demonstrates influential leadership and provides space for reflection so your clients are empowered to do the same. 

✔ Blending embodiment and aligned action is a recipe that is alive with discovery, flow and bounteousness. Live your best life and let your business work through you. 

✔ Be, Do, Have! Your desires are waiting for you.


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"Your biggest asset is your LOVE, Level of Vibrational Energy. You and you alone are responsible for it." - Leann Wolff

Just Imagine....


➡ Clients seek you out because you are confidently showing up and serving every time; from your free offers to your paid offers, you show up.


➡ Feeling fulfilled and alive in your business because you KNOW how to create from the inside out and your embodied transformation gives others the hope to do the same in their lives.


➡ You're confident, in a state of flow and living the lifestyle you are designed for, making a true impact in the lives of your clients.


➡ Your alignment saves you time, drives inspired action, feels passionate and creates massive transformation for your clients.


➡Your Alignment IS your clear direction to earning consistent income month after month. 


➡Your Alignment is purpose driven and attracts the most magical clients.


This is all 100% possible, my friend. And it can all be done without full on hustle or old outdated business models. No more confining rhetoric. You get to unzip the old uniform and step into ALL parts of you so that your clients feel empowered to do the same.

"Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant." - Anonymous

Hey Friend, My name is Leann.

Founder of

Purpose Driven Wealth Formula


I help coaches, teachers, healers and anyone who serves others build a consistently profitable business by embracing their Human Design Mechanics so they can harness their potential and witness their purpose in their work and in their play. 

With 10+ years of Human Design experience, a Business Degree and Experience building two multi 7-figure businesses, I have helped hundreds recognize their power and step more fully into their purpose. 

We are on the cusp of a huge energetic shift where the old systems, old structures and business models are crumbling. The new energy is heralding in an autonomous capital structure where abundance, individuality and magical unions are to be created. 

The Earth Plane is desiring more aligned entrepreneurs, my friend. I know that you are here because you are ready to serve your clients at a whole new level.

So let's get started!

Apply Now

"If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed.

The vision pulls you." Steve Jobs

This Process is for you if:


  • You are doing ‘readings’ like astrology, tarot cards, mediumship or HD and your calendar is not filled….


  • You are a coach, consultant or service professional and you are ready to take your practice in a new inspired direction and yet you are confused and feeling a little lost on how to do that…


  •  You are brand new to entrepreneurship but your afraid to put yourself out there because you are hearing the horror stories of overwhelm and sacrifice….


  • You just can't continue how you are operating your serve business because burn out is knocking on the door. 

 Joining the Purpose Driven Wealth Formula,

you will learn how to live

the deeply transformational process and

create a business from this space. 


Business DOES NOT need to be difficult or overwhelming. You can have the safety and certainty of consistent income.  A steady stream of clients that are in alignment and are ready and willing to do the work.

You can create, operate, maintain and scale your business by honoring your UNIQUE Business Structure that is written into your Human Design Chart so that flow and creativity are the experiences of the business. 


Tear Down the OLD way of doing Business! and build the business your way, the correct way, the first time.


The Embodiment Process in the program flows like this:


In Person:

💜  16 Coaching Sessions with Leann


Online Modules:

Weeks 1-4: AWARENESS

  • Deeply Immerse into your Unique Human Design. 

  • Get familiar with YOUR roadmap to WEALTH. Individualized so you can start the business building process CORRECTLY the first time. 

  • Get a deep understanding of your decision making process. 

  • Understand your natural strengths and your natural skills.

  • Recognize your own internal blocks and witness how they have held you back.


  • Now that you know yourself so deeply, we begin to look at the people you are here to serve.

  • Who is your fractal line (ideal client) and what market will you be showing up in to bump into them.

  • Know what your clients want and what offer will best serve your client.

  • How to create heart centered communication so that your connection is deep and meaningful for your fractal line.



  • Now that you know yourself deeply, you know your clients deeply, in these 8 weeks you build out the process that is BEST SUITED for your Human Design.

  • This is where action that is aligned and aware emerges from your work and play

  • Live your purpose and love your life.

  • No more cookie cutter business models, create the process that is best for you. 

  • Building a business your way is the ONLY way. Your roadmap is right there in front of you, the Human Design HOLISTIC Chart.

  • Alignment to your marketing principles, your value statement, your fractal line, alignment to your external world because the internal world is living in full awareness.  

  • You will have a full business plan, marketing plan and Business Structure so that you NEVER default to the 'one size fits all' cookie cutter approach. 

  • The way you communicate your offers and services is critical! Using your voice, your communication style, your deep understanding of your fractal line, your offers and your truest version of you....There will be no more selling, just pure connection. 

  • Build your empire fully supported, fully honored and fully ALIGNED! 


Creating a Business in this way:

  1. You are positioning yourself to be the authority in your field

  2. You are masterfully leveraging your Human Design energetics

  3. You are confidently presenting yourself through written, audio and video content that connects with your fractal line

  4. You are encompassing ALL your knowledge, wisdom and experiences and creating a solid foundation for you and your clients. 



Plus These Incredible Bonuses.....

Bonuses for Everyone


Payment Plan



Owning, operating and showing up each day in the best version of you comes through a holistic approach. 

Our main focus in this 16 week process is to build a business that creates wealth but what about your health and relationships?

I have you covered! 

Go deep into your health (through the lens of Human Design).

Mind and Body wellness that is specifically for you!

  • Online Module for the Primary Health System (PHS) and Rave Psychology for your Human Design. 

Understand how your are designed to LOVE and Care for another. 

  • Online Module for the Love and Caring aspect of your Human Design


**Disclaimer** This information is not intended to replace your physician or therapist. It is designed to enhance who you are holistically.

 **Cryptocurrency is also an accept payment option

Pay in Full Bonuses!


Pay Up Front and Get a Business in a Box


In addition to Bonuses for Everyone you will also get


  • A Virtual Assistant ( up to 30 hours) who will help you with all the tech and logistics to get your business online as soon as possible. 


  • Business Branding from your Human Design  


  • Full Audit of your completed website and client flow (If you have a website currently we will audit and align to your design)


  • Review of 20 pieces of Content to assure your voice, your message and your process is in alignment with your design. 


  • We help you remove all obstacles so that you can show up and coach! Isn't that what you wanted all along?



  **Cryptocurrency is also an accept payment option

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“Since the tapestry of all time has already been woven, everything I could ever want to happen in my life already exists in that infinite, nonphysical plane. My only task is to expand my earthly self enough to let it into this realm. So, if there's something I desire, the idea isn't to go out and get it, but to expand my own consciousness to allow universal energy to bring it into my reality here.”

-Anita Moorjani

Benefits of a Coaching Relationship

Coaching is strengths based and acknowledges the natural, inner intelligence within all of us.  (found in your Human Design of course)

Coaching helps you re-connect with the highest version of yourself so you can source your own knowing and your own answers.  (found in your Human Design of course)

Coaching is a container for healthy, integrative, and reflective process to guide you to your greatness and magic! 

Coaching is results focused and future oriented. Your willingness to lean into aligned action and intentionally create through authenticity is an investment that pays huge dividends(found in your Human Design of course)

Unique Goals

Whether you are driven by specific goals or more of a lifestyle oriented goal setter, you can create and execute the plan that is right for you!

Identify Barriers

Insightful truth about what is stopping you from achieving and receiving the life you want.


Create a Vision

If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. Your unique vision is yours to embrace. 


Develop and Manifest

Use your UNIQUE Map and Blueprint found in the Human Design Chart to take the appropriate action to build your aligned business. 

Let's make this happen. Apply Now