Human Design Profiling Gates

gates human design human design astrology human design channels human design gates human design how to read gates human design profile gates human design role gates human design strategy to respond human design what am i purpose Dec 30, 2020

14 Min Video

The profiling gates create the 8 different aspects of who we are designed to be as a role in this life. Our Life Purpose shines through this role when we get out of our own way and just allow ourselves to relax into our specific human design.


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Disclaimer: Leann Wolff is not a doctor and is in no way providing medical advice or suggestions of any kind whatsoever. Please contact your health care provider regarding adding any supplements or changes to your diet, exercises, or life choices. I am filtering the Maia through adaptation, corruption, incompetence, composure, and justice. I deliver the message with an in the now contribution of what is happening on the transition point of the horizon. Self Mastery is within you and never outside of you. Follow your own strategy and authority! The mechanics are what they are. I am interpreting them as I am designed to do.

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